Here are some extra photos of my two paintings, as well as the one I did at the entrance of Swiv for the Native show. Check out if you haven't yet. Same goes for the Swiv Tackle Circus gallery up in Oside. Go to the site below for the write up on the event with some more photos courtesy of Carly and Sezio.
Thanks to all of you that were able to make it out. It was a great time. Making the front window display. Miki skateboard benches. Josh Higgins piece. Handmade cycles by Thatcher. You can water these things and they will live longer than you. "Lil Indio" by yours truly. "Hatuey" by yours truly. Yours truly, Oui!! Sean and Stacy from Sanctuary 143 and Set & Drift. DJ Blackass The hostess' with the mostests, Shaney Jo and Stacy. Thatcher with girlfriend. The Minor Keys All photos courtesy of Swiv Tackle Circus.