Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I love surprises, my buddy called me and told me to turn on the TV and put on "That" morning show. Sure enough, there was the breast cast I painted for Keep-A-Breast foundation. What a nice start to a fun-filled day of NFL football. Then a day later my friend Shaney Jo (founder of Keep-A-Breast) emailed me this photo. So cool, that A. my art made it on TV but most importantly that B. Shaney is getting the exposure she deserves with KAB to spread the word.

Mine is the one all the way to the right with the bird...


Just posted the Fox lobby painting, and was thinking ... I have another painting I did for Dragon Optics. It's a mural of a Chinese dragon in their head quarters. This was a few years back.


The people at Fox decided they wanted to get some art up in their lobby, and so our creative services were requested. They had these old giant canvases that were just sitting around, so we took them and went to town on them. Enjoy!

The artist involved were from left to right on the above photo: Alex Lopez, David Durham, Juan "Tocayo" Marante, Krystie Sargent.

For additional info feel free to contact me at tocayodesign@gmail.com